A little story about Mardi Gras…

How does one put into words what Mardi Gras means for so many? So much history. So many traditions. So much hard work is put in ALL year to make this one weekend happen.

For me personally, it’s that one time of the year when all the perfect things collide. Sparkles, music, friends, family, drinks, dancing & all judgment is left at the door.

You can arrive on your best friends door step with a hot glue gun, sequins & some cloth and stay up way to late trying to create your next days costume, & no one would think twice.

You can arrive at your buddies gathering spot at the parade route with a cooler of beer and bag of fried chicken, & people welcome you with open arms.

You can wait for hours prior to the parade to get a spot, to hopefully receive a hand-decorated shoe that was made with lots of love & skill.

You can have a purple wig on, sequin shoes, glitter on your face, with crazy leggings, & that’s pretty much expected.

You can walk down the street and run into old friends, someone you haven’t seen in years or meet new ones, & people embrace you whether they’ve known you a few minutes or a lifetime.

& you can go anywhere & say Happy Mardi Gras, and people say it right back like it’s Merry Christmas. Because in New Orleans, this is our Christmas.

This weekend is the most wonderful time of the year and until you’ve experienced it yourself, it’s pretty hard to explain the magic that’s in the air.

It’s all ages, all walks of life, tourists, but most importantly the locals holiday.

So cheers to late nights, early mornings, glitter (that will be all over the floor), memories, Advil & lots of photos with the krewe. So happy my Chicago husband loves it as much as I do.

HAPPY MARDI GRAS Y’ALL!!!! ✨ Let’s do it!

Last, but NOT least, tip your bartenders!


Happy International Women’s Day, this one is for my grandmother.


Let’s talk about time off…